I purchased my Nikon FE more than 10 years ago. It was paired with a lens I was seeking (Nikon 50mm F2 AI-K) and was a whopping $50 combined. Several years later when I started shooting film again this was the first camera I used. I love manual focus film cameras and this one is a beauty. Very simple, yet elegant to use. The auto function turns this camera into an aperture priority dream. It's a very fun camera to shoot with and I highly recommend it.
- Compact body
- Bright view finder
- Large split prism
- Aperture priority auto mode
- Meters well
- Sync port
- Simple to use
- Very affordable
- Excellent battery life
- Accepts almost all Nikon Non-AI, AI, AI-S, and D lenses (MF Only) with an aperture ring.
- Very light (kind of a pro)
- Dinky sounding shutter
- Slower sync speed (1/125th)
Lenses I've used with this camera:
Zeiss 18mm F2.8 Milvus ZF.2
Nikon 28mm F2.8 AI-S
Nikon 50mm F2 AI-K
Nikon 50mm F1.8D (MF Only)
Nikon 85mm F1.8 AI-K
Nikon 105mm F2.5 AI-S